Friday, January 30, 2009

Bulgarian Cycle, Week 1

30 January 2009

Warm Up: 3x10 of arm/trunk/neck rotations; 10-8-6 squats/push ups;
Burgener warm up: PVC, 45# bar.
Overhead Squat: PVCx3, bar x3, 55x2, 65x2
Clean& Jerk: 65x1,75x1,85x1
Front Squat: 45x3,65x3,85x3,105x3
Dead Lift: 135x1,155x1,180x1

Snatch - 85% x1x4 75#
Clean & Jerk - 85% x1x4 105#
Front Squat - 85% x2x3 120#
Dead Lift - 85% x1x4 200#

Total Workout Time: 40 minutes

Snatch is still Power Snatch + Overhead Squat, and will be for a while.
Dead lift is not part of the workout officially, but I want to add it in occasionally.

I'm not sure what a Bulgarian Cycle is either, but I guess I'm going to find out.

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