Saturday, January 31, 2009

B cycle, Week 1, Day 2

31 January 2009

Warm Up: 3x10 of arm/trunk/neck rotations; 10-8-6 squats/push ups;
Burgener warm up: PVC, 45# bar.
Overhead Squat: PVCx3, bar x3

Power Snatch - 80% x2x3 80#
Power Clean & Jerk - 80% x1 +2x3 115#

MetCon: 3 rds for time of:
15 kip pull ups
10 KB snatch (swing) - 25% BW 40#

Workout Time: 9 minutes
MetCon Time: 12 minutes

Friday, January 30, 2009

Bulgarian Cycle, Week 1

30 January 2009

Warm Up: 3x10 of arm/trunk/neck rotations; 10-8-6 squats/push ups;
Burgener warm up: PVC, 45# bar.
Overhead Squat: PVCx3, bar x3, 55x2, 65x2
Clean& Jerk: 65x1,75x1,85x1
Front Squat: 45x3,65x3,85x3,105x3
Dead Lift: 135x1,155x1,180x1

Snatch - 85% x1x4 75#
Clean & Jerk - 85% x1x4 105#
Front Squat - 85% x2x3 120#
Dead Lift - 85% x1x4 200#

Total Workout Time: 40 minutes

Snatch is still Power Snatch + Overhead Squat, and will be for a while.
Dead lift is not part of the workout officially, but I want to add it in occasionally.

I'm not sure what a Bulgarian Cycle is either, but I guess I'm going to find out.

Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Week 4, Day 5

28 January 2009

Warm Up: 3x10 of arm/trunk/neck rotations; 10-8-6 squats/push ups;
Burgener warm up: PVC, 45# bar.
Overhead Squat: PVCx3, bar x3

Snatch - max attempt: singles, 45-85
Clean & Jerk - max attempt: singles, 45-125 PR
Front Squat - max attempt: 45x3,65x3,85x3,105x2,115x2,125x2, 130x1,135x1,140x1 PR

Total Workout time: 51 minutes

Snatches are really Power Snatch + Overhead Squat. Still trying to figure that out.

Cleans were full squat cleans. Getting better at these!

Monday, January 26, 2009

Week 4, Day 4

26 January 2009

Warm Up: 3x10 of arm/trunk/neck rotations; 10-8-6 squats/push ups;
Burgener warm up: PVC, 45# bar.
Overhead Squat: PVCx3, bar x3

Snatch Balance + 2 Overhead Squats - 65% (of snatch balance) x 3 sets 65#
Tall Snatch - 35 (of snatch) x2x3 45#
Pull Ups - 3xmax 8,8,6
Hanging leg raise - 3x15

Deadlift: 135x3,155x3,175x3,185x2,195x2,205x2,215x1,225x2,235x1 PR!

Workout Time: 33 minutes.

My last heavy deadlift day had me doing 205x5. 205 had been my previous 1RM.

Sunday, January 25, 2009

Week 4, Day 3

25 January 2009

Warm Up: 3x10 of arm/trunk/neck rotations; 10-8-6 squats/push ups;
Burgener warm up: PVC, 45# bar.
Overhead Squat: PVCx3, bar x3
Front Squat: 45x3,65x3,85x3,105x3,115x3,120x3
Rack Jerk: 45x3,65x3,85x3,105x3,115x3,120x3

Front Squat - heavy single 90% 125#
Rack Jerk - 80% x1x3 120#

15-12-10 reps for time:
KB Swing 50#
Ring Push Ups

Workout Time: 16 minutes
MetCon Time: 6 minutes

Saturday, January 24, 2009

Week 4, Day 2

24 January 2009

Warm Up: 3x10 of arm/trunk/neck rotations; 10-8-6 squats/push ups;
Burgener warm up: PVC, 45# bar.
Overhead Squat: PVCx3, bar x3

Muscle snatch: 70% x3x3 60#
Clean + Push Jerk + Hang Clean + Jerk: 60% x3 85#

3 rds for time of:
200 m sprint (sub: 1 minute on bike)
20 kip pull ups (sub: 10 dead hang)

Workout Time: 8 minutes
MetCon Time: 8 minutes

The Push Jerk and Jerk were more like Push Presses. Still working on that. But I'm improving on the full squat cleans. That's something, right?

Strength Cycle 1, Week 4

23 January 2009

Warm Up: 3x10 of arm/trunk/neck rotations; 10-8-6 squats/push ups;
Burgener warm up: PVC, 45# bar.
Overhead Squat: PVCx3, bar x3
Back Squat: 45x3,95x3,115x2,135x2,145x2
Press: 45x4,65x4,85x4,95x4

Back Squat: 90% x2x2 155#
Snatch Pull: 107% (of snatch) x1x2 135#
Press: 80% x4x4 100#
Weighted sit ups: 3x10 25# kb
Russian Twists: 3x20 8# med ball

Total Workout Time: 32 minutes

Tuesday, January 20, 2009


19 January 2009

I'm in a meeting out of town so I'm doing "prison" workouts.

Burpees: 15,14,13,12,..,3,2,1 = 120

Time: 24 minutes.

Sunday, January 18, 2009

Week 3, Day 3&4

18 January 2009

Warm Up: 3x10 of arm/trunk/neck rotations; 10-8-6 squats/push ups;
Burgener warm up: PVC, 45# bar.
Overhead Squat: PVCx3, bar x3
Front Squat: 45x3,65x3,95x3
Push Jerk: 45x3,65x3,95x3,110x3,120x2,125x2,130x2,135x1,140x1,145x1

Tall snatch - 30% x 3 x 3 45#
Power snatch + snatch - 65% x 4 sets 55#

Front squat - 80% x 3 x 5 110#
Snatch pull - 105% (of snatch) x 2 x 3 135#
Rack jerk - heavy single 150#

Total Time: 46 minutes.

I'm going out of town for the week and won't be able to do barbell work. I'll do metcon's in my room to make up for the two I skipped for the workouts above.

Saturday, January 17, 2009

Week 3, Day 2

17 January 2009

Warm Up: 3x10 of arm/trunk/neck rotations; 10-8-6 squats/push ups;
Burgener warm up: PVC, 45# bar.
Overhead Squat: PVCx3, bar x3

Muscle Snatch - 65% x3 x3 55#
Power Clean + Clean&Jerk - 65% (of C&J) x 4 sets 95#

20-15-10 reps of:
KB Swing - 35% BW 50# (biggest I have)
Kip Pull Ups

Workout Time: 9 minutes
MetCon Time: 12 minutes

Friday, January 16, 2009

Strength Cycle 1, Week 3

16 January 2009

Warm Up: 3x10 of arm/trunk/neck rotations; 10-8-6 squats/push ups;
Burgener warm up: PVC, 45# bar.
Back Squat: 65x3,95x3,115x3,135x3,145x3
Push Press: 65x3,95x3

Back squat - 87% x 2 x 4 150#
Snatch deadlift - 118% (of snatch) x 2 x 3 135#
Push press - 85% x 4 x 5 115#
Bent row - 80% x 6 x 3 80#
Hanging leg raise - 3 x 15

I'm definitely feeling stronger. The 150# BS is not nearly as hard as it used to be.

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

5th Day, 2nd Week

14 January 2009

Warm Up: 3x10 of arm/trunk/neck rotations; 10-8-6 squats/push ups;
Burgener warm up: PVCx5, 45# bar x 5.

Snatch - heavy single 45x3,55x3,65x3,75x3,85x1
Power Clean & Jerk - heavy single 65x3,75x3,85x3,95x3,105x3,115x3,125x3,135x3,140x1
Front Squat - heavy single 45x5,65x5,75x3,95x3,115x2,125x2,135x1

New PR's ALL.

Total Time: 43 minutes

Monday, January 12, 2009

4th Day, 2nd Week

12 January 2009

Warm Up: 3x10 of arm/trunk/neck rotations; 10-8-6 squats/push ups;
Burgener warm up: PVCx5, 45# bar x 5.
Power Snatch/Overhead Squat: 45x3, 55x3

Mid-hang muscle snatch: 62% x3x3 60#
2 position snatch (floor, mid-thigh): 60% x4 sets 60#

Working on snatch, so 2 position snatch became power snatch plus overhead squat.

MetCon: 4 rds for time:
250 m row (sub'd 30# kb sumo dl highpull x 25)
7 sand bag power clean & jerk - 35% BW (sub'd 65# bar power clean & jerk x 10)

Workout Time: 9 minutes
MetCon time: 11 minutes

Sunday, January 11, 2009

3rd Day, 2nd Week

11 January 2009

Warm Up: 3x10 of arm/trunk/neck rotations; 10-8-6 squats/push ups;
Burgener warm up: PVCx5, 45# bar x 5.
Overhead Squat: 45x2, 55x2, 65x2, 70x2

Power Clean: 75%x2x3 95#
Overhead Squat - heavy single: 80%x2x2 75#

Pull Ups: 10x5

Total Time: 30 Minutes.

Really got to work on OS. I'm going to have to add at least PVC OS to my warm up.

Saturday, January 10, 2009

2nd Day , 2nd Week

10 January 2009

Warm Up: 3x10 of arm/trunk/neck rotations; 10-8-6 squats/push ups;
Burgener warm up.
Front Squats: 45x5, 65x3, 85x3
Push Jerk: 95x5x2

Front squat - 75% x 3, 81% x 1, 77% x 3, 80% x 1, 79% x 3 95#, 110#, 95#, 100#, 100#
Snatch pull - 103% (of snatch) x 3 x 3 135#
Rack jerk - heavy single; 90% x 1, 85% x 1 x 2 110#, 105#

3 rounds for time of:
10 sand bag halfmoons - 25% BW 40# KB
10 clapping push-ups ring push ups

Total Workout Time: 23 minutes
MedCon Time: 8 minutes

Friday, January 9, 2009

Strength Cycle 1 - Week 2

9 January 2009

Warm Up: 3x10 of arm/trunk/neck rotations; 10-8-6 squats/push ups;
Squats: 45x5, 95x3, 115x3, 135x3, 145x2

Back squat - 85% x 3 x 5 150#
Clean deadlift - 115% x 3 x 3 135#
Push press - 83% x 5 x 5 100#
Bent row - test max; 77% x 8 x 3 75#
Weighted GHD sit-ups - 3 x 6 3x10 sit ups with 25# kb

Total Workout Time: 34 minutes

This is definitely a crash course in how to handle weights. Feelin' good in the neighborhood!

Wednesday, January 7, 2009


8 January 2009


Day 5 of Strength Cycle

7 January 2009

Warm Up: 3x10 of arm/trunk/neck rotations; 10-8-6 squats/push ups;

Snatch - heavy single
Clean & Jerk - heavy single
Back Squat - heavy single

ab wheel: 3x15

I'm not so good at Snatch and C&J, so I had to modify.

Snatch: Power snatch and Overhead squat: 45#-95# by 10s. Failed OS at 95#.
C&J: 45#-105# by 10s.
Back Squat: 65x3, 85x3, 105x3, 125x2, 135x2, 145x1, 155x1, 165x1, 175x1

The back squat max matches my PR. I shouldn't have done the x3's and x2's. By the time I got to the end I was really weak and barely made the last rep.

Total Workout time: 40 minutes.

Monday, January 5, 2009

Relax Baby!

6 January 2009

A much needed rest day. Ahhhh....

Sunday, January 4, 2009

Day 4 of Strength Cycle

5 January 2009

Warm Up: 3x10 of arm/trunk/neck rotations; 3x5 squats; 10-8-6 push ups; 5-3-1 overhead bar squats
  • Power snatch - 75% x 2 x 3 85#
  • Snatch balance - heavy single; 80% x 2 x 2
5 rounds for time:
8 kipping pull-ups
200 m row

I'm not very good at overhead squats, so I substituted 3x5 oh squats with the empty 45# bar for the snatch balance.

Workout time: 9 minutes.

MetCon Time: 13 minutes. Don't have a rower so did 30# kb sumo deadlift high pull.

Saturday, January 3, 2009

Day 3 of Strength Cycle

4 January 2009

Warm Up: 10-8-6 squats/push ups; 3x10 arm/neck/trunk rotations;
Front Squats: 45x3, 65x3, 75x3
  • Front squat - (70% x 3, 75% x 2, 80% x 1) x 3 85#, 90#, 95#
  • Snatch pull - 100% (of snatch) x 3 x 3 110#
  • Rack jerk - start with 1 push jerk + 1 split jerk until you can't push jerk anymore; then drop to split jerk only to a heavy single started at 95#, got to 145#
3 rounds for time of:
15 KB deadlift high pull - 30% BW 40#
20 KB 1-arm snatch - 25% BW 30#

Workout Time: 36 minutes
MetCon Time: 6 minutes

Day 2 of Strength Cycle

3 January 2009

Warm Up: 10-8-6 Squats/Push Ups; 3x10 trunk/arm/neck rotations. PVC pipe Burgener warmup and snatch practice.
  • Mid-hang muscle snatch - 60% x 3 x 3 70#
  • 2-position clean (floor, mid-thigh) + 2 jerk - 60% x 4 sets 70#
10-16-20 reps for time:
KB swings - 30% BW 40#
KB clean + 2 push press (each side) - 30% BW 40#

Total time for the weights: 10 minutes
MetCon Time: 12 minutes

I'm sure I'm not doing the snatch correctly, but that will come with time. I'm scaling the weight anyway. We'll see if I can build strength and skill at the same time. So far, this is fun.

Friday, January 2, 2009

Something New

2 January 2009

I'm going to try something completely different for me. I'll be doing the 16 week strength cycle from Catalyst Athletics that started on Dec 15.

I will do this later this afternoon.
  • Back squat - 83% x 3 x 5 145#
  • Snatch deadlift - 110% (of snatch) x 3 x 3 135#
  • Push press - 80% x 5 x 5 100#
  • Pull-ups - (6, 8, 10 reps) x 2
  • Weighted sit-ups - 3 x 10 20# kb
Week 1 - Strength mesocycle 1

I've edited the above workout with the weights used.

Warm up was 3x5 air squats, 10-8-6 push ups, 3x10 trunk twists/neck rotations/arm rotations.

Squat warm up: 45#x5, 95x5, 115x3, 125x3, 135x3.

Total workout time: 36 minutes.

Thursday, January 1, 2009

What's Your Resolution?

1 January 2009

We ran the Resolution Run 5k this morning. My time was 32:30. Not super fast but I did run every bit of it, which is something I haven't been able to do in years. My knees didn't hurt and my quads never got tired. Hip flexors were killing me though. Need to do more flutter kicks or something.