Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Year End

30 December 2008

Warm Up: 3x10 Trunk Rotations; 3x5 Arm Rotations; 3x5 Neck Rotations; 10,8,6 Squats/Push Ups

for time:
40 burpees
30 pull ups
50 thrusters x 45lb

Total Time: 16 minutes.

Calm Down: stretch.

Tomorrow is a rest day, then the Resolution Run on the 1st!

The Boy is Mine

29 December 2008

My boy is 6 years old today!

Warm Up: 3x10 Trunk Rotations; 3x5 Arm Rotations; 3x5 Neck Rotations; 10,8,6 Squats/Push Ups; 7,5,3 Pull Ups

3 rds of 21,15,9 reps for time of:
135lb deadlift
handstand push ups

Total Time: 8 minutes (smokin'!)

Calm Down: stretch.

About a year ago 135 lbs was my 1RM. I can't get over how much I've changed. Years of back spasms and creaky knees have pretty much gone the way of the dodo.

I've not just gotten stronger, mind you, but I've learned how to pay attention to my everyday movement. My left knee used to pop when I sat down. Learning how to squat properly (knees out/ tracking over feet, back arched, chest up) has made that stop and finally eliminated the everyday lower back pain I used to have. The cumulative strain I caused myself from poor form is something I can consciously avoid.

I love this stuff.

Frannie Get Your Gun

28 December 2008

Almost Human!

Warm Up: 3x10 Trunk Rotations; 3x5 Arm Rotations; 3x5 Neck Rotations; 10,8,6 Squats/Push Ups; 3x5 Barbell Thrusters

3 rds of 21,15,9 for time:
65lb Thrusters
pull ups

Total Time: 18 minutes.

Calm Down: stretch.

I've never been a Fran stud, and this is a good time for me. When I get this down below 15 minutes I'll up the weight by 5 lbs. I'll keep doing that until I can do this as an official Fran at 95 lbs.

My Tummy Hurts

27 December 2008

A stomach virus hit a couple of hours after all the Swinging fun from the previous post. Yesterday was the first day of full eating. Still dizzy. After my 36 hr unintentional fast my soon-to-be 6 yr old came down with it, and I spent all night helping him. Really still dizzy.

But I can't wait any longer, I need to move again. So after a light (and slow) warm up of push ups and air squats, I did burpees!

For time: 10..1 burpees. Total Time: 10 minutes.

I felt alive again.

And We're Swinging...

23 December 2008

Warm Up: 3x10 Trunk Rotations; 3x5 Arm Rotations; 3x5 Neck Rotations; 10,8,6 Squats/Push Ups; 7,5,3 Pull Ups

As Rx'd:
7 rds for time of 21,18,15,12,9,6,3 reps
35lb db swing
20lb ball slam

7 rds for time of 21,18,15,12,9,6,3 reps
50 lb kb Swings
25 lb kb Power Swings

Total time: 15 minutes.

Calm Down: stretch. especially hammies and lower back.

I usually do this outside with a basketball type med ball, but it was too cold. I decided to try out the Power Swings I learned at the kb cert. Turned out to be very cool.

Love That Door Gym

21 December 2008

Warm Up: 3x10 Trunk Rotations; 3x5 Arm Rotations; 3x5 Neck Rotations; 10,8,6 Squats/Push Ups; 7,5,3 Pull Ups

For time:
50 pull ups
60 push ups
70 sit ups
80 squats

Total time: 23 minutes

Calm Down: stretch

Broke this up into 5 sets of 10, 12, 14, 16.


20 December 2008

Warm Up: 3x10 Trunk Rotations; 3x5 Arm Rotations; 3x5 Neck Rotations; 10,8,6 Squats/Push Ups; 7,5,3 Pull Ups
These are done as rounds. So Trunk-Arm-Neck-Squat-Push U-Pull U.

3 rds for time:
800 meter run
40lb Good Mornings x 40
40 sit ups

Total Time: 35 minutes.

Calm Down: stretch.

The run is on a treadmill downstairs, then back up for the other two. This is the first time I've done this as Rx'd. I didn't learn how to do a proper Good Morning until the kettlebell cert.

What's funny is that it was incidental. Jeff Martone was describing a stretch we were doing, "Do it like a Good Morning". Oh, that's how you do that!

Friday, December 19, 2008

Squats Make Me Happy

19 December 2008

Warm Up: 10,8,6 Squats/Push Ups; 7,5,3 Pull Ups


Mil Press

Cool Down: stretch; lotsa pull up bar hanging.

I'd never squatted prior to beginning Starting Strength at the end of September (This is not a SS workout but I got tired of doing 3x5, so I borrowed the idea from CrossFit Linda.). I'm still getting used to the idea that I probably won't be squished under the bar. So 175# is my newest PR. I can now officially squat my body weight. Very cool!

I went through all of the squats first, then the military presses. I tweaked something between my shoulders doing the 115#, so the last two sets ended up being more push press than I intended. Oh well, it's still work.

Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Kelly Really Lite

17 December 2008

Getting ready for the Resolution Run 5K on 1 Jan.

4 rounds for time: 400 meter run, 5 box jumps (20 in box), 15 wall ball (20# ball)

Warm Up: 10,8,6 Squat/Push ups; 7,5,3 Pull Ups

Total time 20 minutes.

Calm Down: stretch.

Monday, December 15, 2008

Linda Lite

15 December 2008

I've spent the last couple of months, since my last triathlon at the end of September, doing the Rippetoe Starting Strength program. I did the program as
day 1: squat/ bench/ clean
day 2: deadlift/ overhead press/ front squat

I've gotten a lot stronger, considering where I was. My dl has gone from a 1rm of 205 to doing 205 for reps. My bench is over 200 lbs at a body weight of 175.

So now I've decided to sneak my way back into Crossfit by doing what I call Xfit Lite. The program outlined in this Men's Journal article.

Today's wod is day 3, Linda Lite: 10,9,8,...,1 of 75% bodywt bench, bodywt deadlift.

Warm up: 10,8,6 squats/push ups; 7,5,3 dead hang pull ups; 3xdl at 110, 130,150,170 lbs.

Bench Press 135 lbs x 10,9,8,...,1
Deadlift 175 lbs x 10,9,8,...,1

Total time: 25 minutes.

Calm down: stretch.

I last did this workout in September 2007, with 45 lb dbs and 150 lb deadlift.
Time = 28 minutes.

14 December 2008

Warm up: 10,8,6 squats/push ups; 7,5,3

Cindy: 5 Pull Ups, 10 Push Ups, 15 Air Squats
As Many Rounds As Possible (AMRAP) in 20 minutes

Total: 10 rounds (using my new Door Gym. totally cool!)

13 December 2008

Warm up: 10,8,6 squats/push ups; 7,5,3

Helen: 3 rounds for time of 400 meter run, 12 Pull Ups, 21 Kettle Bells swings

Total time: 21 minutes. Used the treadmill downstairs, then up stairs for the 50# kb swings and Door Gym Pull Ups.

Not bad. I made 20 min when I did this outside last September, which is 5 minutes faster than I did it in July. Definitely got stronger on the swings.

Last year I was using a 25# kb and had to break up the swings. Now it's 50# and no breaks.


Friday, December 12, 2008

Little Xfit Games

Friday, 12 December 2008

Did a wod from the last games, deadlift and burpees.

Warm up: 10,8,6 squats/push ups. 7,5,3 pull ups. DL 5x45, 5x135, 3x155, 2x175 (bodyweight)

Wod: 5 rounds for time of 5x175# DL, 10xburpees.

Total time: 11 minutes.

Calm down: stretching.

I did this work out last in July, with 140# DL. Took me 15 minutes.
That's part of the fun of Crossfit, you get to have these surprises every so often. You get better at things without actually doing them.

35# heavier, 4 minutes faster. Very cool.

Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Kettlebell Cert rehash

Wednesday, 10 December 2008

I decided to try the KB Cert performance exam as a workout. 30# kb.

Warmup: Squats - 10,8,6
Push ups - 10,8,6
Pull ups - 7,5,3

Calm down: stretch
  • Russian swing x 10
  • Russian power swing x 10
  • American swing x 10
  • Swing release x 10
  • One hand swing x 10 (L/R)
  • Alternating swing - 1/2 rotation x 10 (5 swings/hand)
  • Alternating swing - H2H x 10 (5 swings/hand)
  • Floor press (single) x 10 /hand
  • Floor press (double) x 10
  • Armbar stretch x 2 /side
  • Turkish get-up x 2 /side
  • Dead clean x 10 /hand
  • Swing Clean x 10 /hand
  • Bottoms-up clean x 10 /hand
  • Double clean x 10
  • Snatch x 10 /hand
  • Military press x 10 /hand
  • Thruster (double) x 10
Total time: 22 min

This was fun and a nice switch up from doing straight weights.

Question: You have to get old, but do you have to be a geezer?