Monday, December 15, 2008

Linda Lite

15 December 2008

I've spent the last couple of months, since my last triathlon at the end of September, doing the Rippetoe Starting Strength program. I did the program as
day 1: squat/ bench/ clean
day 2: deadlift/ overhead press/ front squat

I've gotten a lot stronger, considering where I was. My dl has gone from a 1rm of 205 to doing 205 for reps. My bench is over 200 lbs at a body weight of 175.

So now I've decided to sneak my way back into Crossfit by doing what I call Xfit Lite. The program outlined in this Men's Journal article.

Today's wod is day 3, Linda Lite: 10,9,8,...,1 of 75% bodywt bench, bodywt deadlift.

Warm up: 10,8,6 squats/push ups; 7,5,3 dead hang pull ups; 3xdl at 110, 130,150,170 lbs.

Bench Press 135 lbs x 10,9,8,...,1
Deadlift 175 lbs x 10,9,8,...,1

Total time: 25 minutes.

Calm down: stretch.

I last did this workout in September 2007, with 45 lb dbs and 150 lb deadlift.
Time = 28 minutes.

14 December 2008

Warm up: 10,8,6 squats/push ups; 7,5,3

Cindy: 5 Pull Ups, 10 Push Ups, 15 Air Squats
As Many Rounds As Possible (AMRAP) in 20 minutes

Total: 10 rounds (using my new Door Gym. totally cool!)

13 December 2008

Warm up: 10,8,6 squats/push ups; 7,5,3

Helen: 3 rounds for time of 400 meter run, 12 Pull Ups, 21 Kettle Bells swings

Total time: 21 minutes. Used the treadmill downstairs, then up stairs for the 50# kb swings and Door Gym Pull Ups.

Not bad. I made 20 min when I did this outside last September, which is 5 minutes faster than I did it in July. Definitely got stronger on the swings.

Last year I was using a 25# kb and had to break up the swings. Now it's 50# and no breaks.



  1. That looks like some really good progress, Mark! Gant Grimes commented on my blog (yesterday's "Strong" post), and offered some good tips for transitioning from SS back to CrossFit. Sounds like you may have a good plan, but if you're interested, check out his comment too.

  2. Melissa,

    Thanks for that. I looked him up, then spent way too much time checking out Catalyst Athletics. Great stuff.
